candice roberts

Nutrition Myths

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Nutrition Myths

Presented by Linda Friend and Candice Roberts at 1:30p in Pucher-LeMay at Wake Tech’s Main Campus

Myths:Eating Healthy is Expensive!
Meta studies show that eating healthy is roughly $1.50 more per day. Diabetes, cancer, and health-related diseases.
Truth: eating Healthy now saves money over the long term.

  • Plan ahead
  • don’t shop hungry
  • buy store brands
  • use coupons and discounts
  • frozen fruit and veg
  • dry foods
  • prepared meals are expensive
  • farmers market
  • buy whats in season
  • eggs and peanut butter
  • 44 healthy foods under $1

    Myth: Organic Foods – Totally more nutritious!
    Truth: Studies show no difference in normal vs organic nutrients. Pesticides still used, just not synthetic. Animal welfare is different though. Consider learning about the Dirty Dozen plants, and the Clean Fifteen.

    Myth: GMO Foods are Dangerous!
    Truth: Selective breeding is the earliest form of this. Recombinant DNA speeds this up and it can be used to great effect. Science and scientific research conducted so far has not detected any significant hazards directly connected with the use of genetically engineered crops. 29 years of health data on GMO feed and non-gmo feed from over 100,000,000,000 is essentially the same. No evidence to suggest any health effect on humans who eat those animals.

    Myth:Cardiovasular disease: Saturated fat & cholesterol are to blame
    Truth: data here were cherry picked from Ancel Keys original 22 countries, to only show 7 countries. There is no significant studies to show that dietary sturated fat is associated with an increased risk of heart disease.

    Myth: weight loss- low fat or low carb
    Truth: Twins took a low fat/low carb diet (one each). In the end, both lost the same amount. It amounts to counting calories, fitness, and behavior modification. Your genes are not your destiny. True weight loss comes from maintaining what goes in your body and how you move.

    We ended this session with open Q&A for teachers. There were a lot of good information about sugars, BGH, early puberty, and protein.