
LEA126: Empowering Leaders Through Self Reflection

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On 10/1/18 at 1:15pm, I took part in online professional development through Wake Technical Community College’s Leadership Program with the Session ULEA 126, Empowering Leaders through Self-Reflection! This was co-presented by Lori Dees and Emily Moore of Wake Technical Community College


LEA126: Empowering Leaders Through Self Reflection

Our overall goal for this course is to help improve our own practice of self-reflection in order to strengthen leadership skills. Upon completion of course activities and assignments, I was awarded a certificate for two hours of Professional Development credit.

Module 1: Self Reflection Basics: What and Why?

Upon completion of this lesson, we should be able to:

  • Define self-reflection
  • Locate several research articles on self-reflection
  • Identify the relationship between self-reflection and leadership
  • Discuss reflective leadership


Practicing Reflection Online


I have seen this famous quote at some point in the past. It speaks to the importance of reflection across the ages, and how it can bring us wisdom. I hope to keep this in mind and share with a little about my own journey with reflection. This should also help me consider some ways I can incorporate reflection into my practice as a leader.

Think its important here to define two key terms:

Reflection- consideration of some subject matter, idea, or purpose (Merriam-Webster)

Collaborative Reflection- sharing reflections with each other


Why is it important to learn about reflection and to be a reflective leader? I think that reflection is key to leadership. Reflection is powerful. Self-reflection is a powerful tool for self-improvement and for self-appreciation.


Again, this is another ancient quote that you may be familiar with. Although I certainly do not think that your life is worthless if you haven’t been practicing reflection regularly… :).  Reflection is an important part of maintaining balance and focus in life.


Reflection is productive. Later in the lesson, I see I’ll be watching a video featuring Giada Di Stephano, a Harvard researcher. I already watched it though 🙂

In that video, she discusses the findings of a study on reflection. You will want to watch the video for details about the experiment and the findings of the research team. Essentially, this research demonstrated the relationship between reflection and learning. This study has some important implications for teaching and leading.



We do not have to rely on just the research to know that reflection works, however. Through our own experiences with collaborative reflection, we become convinced that it is key to personal growth and development and to leadership. As we explore the research on reflection, and practice collaborative reflection as part of this course, perhaps I’ll cover the redesign process myself, and come to some important realizations.


There are some common barriers to reflection, especially to collaborative reflection, including the fear of exposure (being vulnerable with ourselves and others) and insufficient time for reflection. Some possible ways to overcome these barriers include making reflection intentional, using online forums dedicated to reflective practice, and encouraging vulnerability. Asynchronous communication is great for millenials, but it can also be good for working professionals when reflecting with others.


We have developed two sites dedicated to online reflection through discussion forums available on Blackboard shells. The first of these is the one we call our “blue site,” which is our internal site available to Wake Tech employees. Membership on this site is open to any Wake Tech employee and provides you with the opportunity to collaborate with colleagues across our campuses as you reflect together. They send a weekly reflection prompt to serve as a reminder to reflect and to give you a starting point for discussing issues and ideas together on the forum. In addition, there is an external site, our “green site,” that we use when we present to our community college colleagues across the country. This site is open to anyone, and is hosted on the Blackboard MOOC platform.

You can find and enroll in this class by doing a google search for PRO Project Blackboard Course sites. It is here: https://www.coursesites.com/s/_PROProject


This graphic shows a snapshot of the activity on the site. Although we have forums dedicated to different interests and areas of the college, our weekly reflection forum is by far the most popular. Comparing the number of “hits” to posts in the previous slide also shows that people like to visit the forums to consider the thoughts of their peers, even when they do not wish to post themselves. Some sites call this “lurking,” but we don’t! Participation in any form means that you are making reflection a part of your day. You can also post anonymously.


Looking at this, consider the difference between the “boss” and the leader. As I read over the list, I took a brief moment to reflect on the qualities of my own leaders over the years. How can I demonstrate the qualities that will make people want to follow me?



The Power of Insight

From Values to Action


Finally, in order to demonstrate my understanding of the first lesson, I was asked to reflect on one of the following topics, discuss my thoughts with others and report what we covered :

Reflection 1

Thinking about what I have learned from the first lesson, including the article you read, identify three reasons for incorporating a regular practice of self-reflection into your practice as a leader.

Reflection 2

Thinking about what I have learned from the first lesson, including the article you read, identify at least two qualities of an inspirational leader. How can I incorporate these qualities into my own leadership style?


Thinking this over, I decided to read an article on Leadership by Meier

Prompt 2: Thinking about what you have learned from the first lesson, including the article you read, identify at least two qualities of an inspirational leader. How can you incorporate these qualities into your own leadership style?

I felt most strongly attuned to the idea of flexibility in leadership. In thereadings for this first lesson. There was a great graphic representing the difference between a boss and a leader. The real leader here “Generates Enthusiasm” instead of issuing ultimatums, they “Develop People”, and values “Strength In Unity”. These values are not ones in while there is a set goal, but an ideal in place which must be adjusted and judged based on what every person can bring to the table. You cannot excite and enthuse people in the same way- each must be approached individually. You cannot develop people in the same way, or we’d all be wunderkind polymaths. Each person must be motivated and encouraged individually. Strength in unity is not built by seeking a wall of spartan soldiers, but in the creation of a set of individuals who can work together as a team with each bringing their own skills to bear to help the group. In the classroom, faculty approach the class with a single idea, but encourage each students with tweaks to performance and ability, finding the best in each and encouraging it. This helps me to find the leader within myself, and I can aspire to the difference between boss and leader, and of course by looking to the best examples of leaders before me.

In the article How Self-Reflection Can Make You a Better Leader, I was very taken by this phrase:

“Self-reflection is not spending hours contemplating your navel,” Kraemer says. “No! It’s: What are my values, and what am I going to do about it? This is not some intellectual exercise. It’s all about self-improvement, being self-aware, knowing myself, and getting better.”

I find the examination of your feelings and motivations to be an excellent introspective moment, allowing us to to feel out situations. This flexibility allows us to change our opinions, desires, and if needed, re-examine out choices and commitments. Will we shirk on those commitments, certainly not. That said, we can certainly approach them with the understanding and ability to work through the issues with the best intentions, and mindful of what our actual goals are, the equitable standards that we commit to internally, and solving the problem with the optimal outcome in mind.

I feel the judgment of the individual should be taken into account at every opportunity, constantly weighing in the best actions to go with each situation- while being mindful of the commitments you’ve made. This was great reading.


Module 2: Self Reflection Standards: What and Why?

Upon completion of this lesson, we should be able to:

  • Identify four lenses for reflection
  • Explain the relationship between vulnerability and leadership
  • Assess key aspects (values and emotional intelligence) of their own leadership styles
  • Discuss ways to apply the results of self-assessments for personal and professional growth


Leadership Quote


Three pioneers in reflective practice theory are John Dewey, Jack Mezirow, and Donald Schon.

Dewey brought reflection to the forefront of education in the early 1900s. In the late 1900s, Mezirow began developing his transformative learning theory, which focuses on using reflection to change one’s worldview. A few years later, Schon was exploring reflection-in-action and reflection-on-action. Reflection-in-action refers to reflecting in the moment.

Imagine you’re leading a group and you start to notice the session isn’t running smoothly. Through a quick reflection in the moment, you decide to change your approach. Next, imagine you’ve already finished leading a training. You return to your office to reflect on how the session went and make changes accordingly. This process is called reflection-on-action. All three leaders in the field of reflective practice have numerous publications you can explore for further information.


Stephen Brookfield is another leader in reflective practice theory. I’ve had a book discussion on Brookfield’s Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher. At that meeting, we explored Brookfield’s approach to reflection. Brookfield sees reflection as a process that must utilize four lenses to be the most beneficial.


The first lens Brookfield proposed was the autobiographical lens. Using this lens, you want to remember what it feels like to be a learner. Because his book focused on the teaching profession, the lenses are explained from a teacher-student perspective.

As a leader, you can translate these lenses to your daily responsibilities. Some ways you can reflect on yourself are to reflect on any experiences you have had as a graduate student, in professional development workshops, or as a conference attendee. You may also want to reflect on your experiences in a new and intimidating learning environment.

Brookfield shares a story about his first experience swimming and his first experience driving. In both cases, he was an adult, and he could reflect on what it felt like to be in an intimidating learning environment for the first time. He reiterates how important it is for us to find opportunities to experience something new and intimidating so we don’t forget what it feels like to be led through a new process.



Other ways you can explore the autobiographical lens are to write or review your philosophy of leadership, make audio/video recordings of yourself leading a group, keep weekly leadership logs that record your leadership experiences, create yearly leadership audits that you can compare at the end of each year, create role model profiles of leaders you admire, and write a survival advice memo that you would give to someone who was taking over your position.


The second lens Brookfield discusses is the student lens. To utilize this lens, you will need to reflect on feedback you receive from those you lead.

One way to implement this lens is to reflect on yearly evaluations from your team, training evaluations after you have led a training session, or conference evaluations after you present at a conference. Taking the time to reflect on this type of feedback is essential to becoming a good leader and reflective practitioner.


The third lens Brookfield discusses is the theoretical lens. This lens focuses on the theory behind  your practice.

Brookfield encourages us to constantly seek out and reflect on theory in our field. Some ways you might incorporate this reflection are to complete LEA courses, read scholarship of leadership, attend conferences and workshops on leadership, and subscribe to professional leadership journals.


The final and most crucial lens Brookfield discusses is the peer lens. Without putting this lens into practice, the other three lenses will fall short in giving you the full benefit of reflective practice.

Brookfield strongly believes collaborative reflection is essential to a promising reflective practice. Ways that you might collaboratively reflect are participating in collaborative benchmark projects focused on leadership and intentionally participating in structured critical conversations on leadership.


It is important to note, that as you begin to incorporate these lenses into your reflective practice, particularly the peer lens, you may begin to notice a fear of being vulnerable. Being vulnerable is critical to growth in a reflective practice. One of your goals should be to embrace this vulnerability so you can become a stronger leader.


Brene Brown discussed her vulnerability research in a video below- which I had already watched. I watched all the videos before viewing this material, so it was a nice tie-in.

In her video, Brene talks about the importance of being willing to be vulnerable and how this practice can lead to personal growth. It was interesting.


In Brown’s video, she shares the quote on this slide from Theodore Roosevelt. After reading the quote and reflecting on why she may have chosen to include this quote in her discussion of vulnerability, I though about some of the times I had dared greatly.

“Showing up in the Arena” affected my worldview. I was able to see things from the place where the action was truly happening, and get a better understanding of the real problems being faced. I also had a chance to taste the real defeat and trials which covered that job. In short, I gained a new perspective and much more respect.

Do you think vulnerability is necessary for leadership? Why or why not? I don’t think that vulnerability equates to this “In the Arena” idea. I think vulnerability is not necessary, but flexibility should certainly be awarded. That ability to be wrong and still be a leader would be more important.


Let’s discuss some steps to increased self-awareness.


To experience the benefits of a reflective practice, It would be good to investigate and understand our personality types, personal values, cognitive style, and emotional intelligence.


Step 1 is to investigate your personality type. Knowing yourself and others will improve your leadership skills. As mentioned in Harry Kraemer’s video on reflection and leadership in Lesson 1, if you don’t know yourself, you can’t lead yourself, and if you can’t lead yourself, you can’t lead others. If you know yourself, you will be able to easily recognize the personality types of those you are leading. If you know their personality types, you will be able to predict their behavior. Thus, you can take action to stop bad behavior before it goes too far and reinforce good behavior.

I might have gone a bit too far there, but I think you’re seeing what I’m saying.


Step 2 is to understand your personal values. We have two types of personal values: instrumental values and end values. Instrumental values are those you use everyday to make decisions. These values include being honest, polite, and logical. End values are those that reflect lifelong aspirations, such as equality, wisdom, and contentedness.

Why is understanding your personal values important as a leader? Your values set the tone for the people you are leading and help build trust within your group. If those you lead understand and sense what values are important to you, they will trust you and mirror those same values. Sharing values with those you lead allows for a more cohesive, productive team.

Understanding your employer’s values is just as important. You want to make sure your values align with your employer’s so you can positively reinforce those values with your team. Think about Wake Tech’s six core values.

How do your personal values align with Wake Tech’s values? I think that over the years, Wake Tech has chosen to value staff over faculty. As time moves forward, faculty breaks diminish, pay for faculty remains 47th in the nation, and no faculty member I know will admit to making at or above the median income for Raleigh, where the campuses are. I like the innovation here, but it can be very very difficult to move ahead.

Do you feel comfortable working in an environment where these values are important? I am a team player. Sometimes its more important to support the team than to run after individual dollars and concerns.

Are you an advocate for these values in your team?



Take Time to investigate your cognitive style. Cognitive style is equivalent to learning style. Consider the questions: How do I process data for making decisions? How do my team members process data? If you understand how you process data, you will be able to more easily identify how your team members process data. Understanding how your team members process data is important when you build committees or other small groups. You want to be sure to include team members from all cognitive styles on a committee so the team is balanced. Diversity is key when it comes to cognitive style and a productive team.



Step 4 is to understand emotional intelligence.I have already completed LEA 114 on emotional intelligence, and you may be familiar with these tenents. Emotional intelligence relates to emotional self-awareness, empathy, a positive outlook, emotional self-control, and adaptability.


Lastly, in order to demonstrate my understanding of the second lesson, I’ll answer ONE of the following discussion prompts.


After taking the quiz on Emotional Intelligence provided in Lesson 2, reflect on your scores.  Choose one or two competencies that seem well developed (look at your highest scores) and think about how you can exercise them even more fully.  You may also want to reflect on your lower scoring competencies.  Why do you think you scored lower on these?  What could you do to develop these competencies more?

Prompt 2:

After taking the personal values assessmsent provided in Lesson 2, complete the Self-Development: Exercise 2 included in the report. What insights did this activity provide? Will you attempt to stop any of your current actions? Will you attempt to start any new actions?

The item I had the highest score on (23 out of 25) was Emotional Self-Awareness, but I don’t really want to talk about that. I have a good handle on why I’m feeling the way I am. that’s a bit of a no-brainer.

The 2 items I had the next highest scores on were Adaptability and Positive Outlook. I am sure these are clear because of my background in the field. As a designer, I am constantly having to work with shifting schedules, clear guidelines which change at the last minute, and clients who change their minds or fail to choose clear winners in the design process. If one is not adaptable to change, they will quickly find themselves out of work, out of time, and without a pipeline of work coming in. Adaptability in the classroom keeps us on our toes, and allows us to structure and restructure the curriculum to meet the needs and abilities of our students- while making minute and major adjustments along the way to ensure that low skills get more time while advanced skill timelines are preserved. I have often thought that I could expand my knowledge in adaptability by taking some improv courses. I also found that I scored high in positive outlook. I think this was a high score because I surround myself with people who are uplifting, joyful, and superior workers. I am happy to be with them, talk with them, and thrive and grow alongside them. In my classroom, I reach out to students and share my positivity. In return, I am bolstered by their positivity. I could possibly improve this aspect of my life by tkaing prozac… just kidding. I could possibly improve this by shining UP the flagpole instead of simply working with my peers and students.

My Final Thoughts

The two items I scored lower on were empathy (17 of 25) and self-control (15 out of 25).

I think many of the questions with empathy were stated in a way that did not appeal to me, in which case I think I railroaded myself into a poorer score. Many of the questions for empathy seemed like they had to do with the discovery of others’ personal feelings, curiosity into how people are feeling and why, often questions came off (to me) as though you’d be demanding to know the emotional state of others, and that’s something I do not value. Every student is slammed. Those with jobs, families, etc., even more so. If a student is performing well, has their work in on time, and is participating in the class, there is no reason for me to be demanding to know their emotional states and why they feel certain ways. I have had numerous students crying in my classes, crying in my office, crying in the hallway or breakroom… they have very real feelings and are under tons of pressure. Students who are clearly hurting or in need of help are open to approach, but more often than not, a student in control of their faculties is just trying to keep things together. I’m happy to share their passions, joys and pains, but I will not be actively pursuing the reasons behind their emotional states unless they are forcing it on me. I open most conversations with students by asking “how’s your semester going?”. This is a nice, open question that invites others to talk about their wellbeing, but is non-invasive.

Self control is also a weak point. I think we all try to clamp down on our emotions and let our heads lead the way. I have a great deal of issues with self-control with impulse buying especially. I often give in to what I want and procrastinate. I can certainly increase this score if I were to exercise more self-control. There is always room to exercise more patience, indulge others before myself, and to work on deadlines first and personal choices last. But, of course, its easy to say you’ll do better, and difficult to make that a reality.

I found this class and this exercise to be quite reflective.

ECGC: What Makes You Think YOU Know What A Leader Is?

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So you think YOU know what makes a great leader?!?

Went to the East Coast Gaming Conference Session: What makes you think YOU know what a leader is? as presented by Keith Fuller

In this lecture, Keith Fuller talked about leadership and what some of the qualities of good leaders were, and what was the major roadblock in the industry as far as leadership goes. He began by letting us know what his expectations of us for the talk were: that we would care , that we would participate, and that we would focus.

Leaders set the expectations for those they lead. And a leader, by definition, is responsible for the behavior, tasks, work performance, and development of one or more people whom they manage. The Jetsons boss is NOT leadership.

Leaders watch the quality of your work, and put you where you’ll be best used. A good leader makes you want to show up! The best leaders are approachable, and knows you as a person!

Leaders should not be pulled from a hat. “working ok” is not the same as innovating and excelling. Work should be lead to be efficient, not a “churn and burn” prfoile, because time you are spending at work is not time with the ones you love.

Quality of leadership can be most accurately seen through employee engagement. When and employee cares and is engaged, they work harder. When they are disengaged, they cost you money and productivity.

Quality of work as measured by the happiness of the employee can be directly noted through 2 main objectives: Their relationship with their immediate supervisor, and their belief in senior leadership. More often than not, you don’t quit a company, you quit a boss.

Consider reading:  “First, break all the rules” by Buckingham and Coffman.

If stuck down into  two main points from these hundreds of interviews:

  1. First, treat each employee as a person- know things about them and care about them
  2. Secondly, Don’t make leadership the default career path- great skills do not always translate into leadership, not everyone wants to become a leader.

Communicate, Relate, and Motivate.

Consider reading: “12 – The elements of great managing” wagner and karter

Good leaders have consistently good social skills, are impactful, value people, and objectively improves the business- doing so by supporting the people (arguably the most important part [supporting the people] of the group)

Biggest obstacle to quality leadership: the idea and pat response “We’re good.” (you are fooling yourself). Poor leaders and organizations that sponsor poor leadership feel they have no need to focus on leadership or improving performance.


Here was a good exercise:

You will get points for your organization (0-5) based on the following questions, Yes or No, 1pt a piece:

  1. You’re asked to give feedback about lead?
  2. Does everyone get regular 1:1 meetings?
  3. Performance review more than 1/year?
  4. Specific training in leadership skills?
  5. Does lead ask “how can I help you?”


Are you willing to give your score and NAME your company out loud? Some were willing to give their score out loud (About half). However, when they were asked if they were will to give their company name, it dropped to 4 individuals.
Problem: you are not willing to discuss this and name this in public.


What makes you think you know what a leader is? People are more open and will talk about taking notes in meetings, but NOT about what makes a leader.

WHY? Well, this could be a reputation issue that stops you from getting hired in the future. Many people are worried that the proud nail gets knocked down. What if you are the leader? Are you prepared to self-identify as a bad leader or to ask for help? We should encourage people to ask questions! Getting up to complain on a Soap Box is a bad idea, a 1:1 meeting is the right way.

ECGC: Gamified Talent Management: Using RPG design to motivate employees and redefine work

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Gamification and Leadership

Today at ECGC (The East Coast Gaming Conference), I attending a leadership training seminar: Gamified Talent Management: Using RPG design to motivate employees and redefine work, a lecture by IBM guru Phaedra Boinodiris. This was really fantastic, and should fit nicely with the classroom gamification that I’d like to see in some of our flagging classes. Phaedra Boinodiris identified 4 major attributes of using gamification to find and motivate successful employees:

  1. Cognitive stability
  2. Cognitive complexity
  3. motor-impusivity
  4. establishes a baseline

She then demonstrated a game used for potential employees, a game in which the user built a structure with spots and lines to reach a given point. This could then be used with responsive software to determine some of the cognitive qualities of the individual to help with the onboarding process. She further showed some proprietary software (darnit!) which could be used to chart an individual’s current state and progress in a gamification environment: Nick’s portal environment result from data showing changes and adjustment over time.

Using their previous data as well as the results of the employee profile and reviews, a composite was created similarly to a character sheet– showing calculated mentor matches (along with that mentor employee’s contact information, job matches and suggested promotion track to achieve it, how that employee ranked against others in the industry, how that employee was perceived by their peers, how the current marketplace is embracing their recognized skillsets, an employee assessment, and list of training or certifications suggested for the employee.

Upon my request, Ms. Boinodiris would not reveal information about IBM’s proprietary software. 😦

Questions posed by the leaders using this software required the team to be evaluated as a group. Once all members had taken the assessment, a team could further be assessed, posing questions based upon the team performance in addition to the qualities shown by the team:

  • “To be good at my job, what paths need to be completed?”
  • “What training needs to be completed by our current team?”
  • “What training might need to be required of new or potential team members?”
  • “How many goals are being completed within the group?”
  • “What is it about the ‘class’ of employee that makes this optimal or in need to accomplish our team or individual goals?”

Based on results of these tests and questions, what kind of employees are they? Could you give them designations such as hunter, farmer, leader, etc.? After a class designation has been properly identified, can you change or adjust these designations to make your team the team you desire or the team numbers show is best suited for a particular task?

Once backed up with data, adjustments to your staff’s ‘class’ could be made by sending them ‘quests’ perhaps once per day or week. These quest tasks would slowly evolve the thinking of the team or team members, so that training is no longer siloed. For instance, you might recognize ‘Hunter’ employees as those who track down new, effective leads. ‘Farmers’ on the other hand, might be constantly revisiting old leads to grow new business in already fertile ground. You might assign hunters to revisit ‘old hunting grounds’ once a day and slowly evolve their systems. Farmers on the other hand, might strike out into leads on ‘newly forested areas’ where they can begin relationships and begin a new harvesting in new areas.

By removing the siloed training, you make continual training something that is both approachable and achievable. Also, it CAN become fun. However, you must find ways to provide tailored content to make sure your employees know what they need to do, or show them how they can improve.

It is vitally important to remember: As far as gamification goes, if you’re spending a majority of your time at the beginning determining what motivates your audience, you are doing it wrong.

When adding gamification to your school, workplace, etc, you must avoid the ‘chocolate covered brocoli’ – adding a small benefit to something which your population already hates. A badge alone will NOT motivate the students or employees anymore than covering something they don’t want with chocolate.

The Multiplayer Classroom by Sheldon Lee
The Multiplayer Classroom by Sheldon Lee

Consider reading The Multiplayer Classroom by Sheldon Lee. (I spoke with Sheldon Lee the author during a conference call last week. This was great timing!)

Serious Games for Business by Phaedra Boinodiris

Also consider reading Serious Games for Business by Phaedra Boinodiris


I felt this was a great presentation, and I learned a lot that I felt would be helpful in methods of leadership! Tell me what you think!

LEA 124 – Leadership Training: Beyond Diversity

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Tyler Dockery celebrates Diversity with strong leadership
Tyler Dockery celebrates Diversity

LEA 124 – Leadership Training: Beyond Diversity

Since I had taken LEA113 (Understanding Diversity in the Workplace) and I clearly “understand” Diversity in the Workplace, it’s time to look BEYOND Diversity and put this clear level of understanding into action.

This course was presented by Jackie Popp (Jacqueline Popp) and Kimberly Breivogel on Wake Tech Community College’s Main Campus. During this leadership training session, we tooke a look at the biases we all hold (and we all have them, even if we’re not aware of it!).

We then explored how we could respectfully interact with others while actively working to reduce or eliminate preconceived notions which prevent us from being as effective as we could be, especially in the workplace. Research-based, hands-on activities and case studies allowed us to apply learning content to the workplace. We shared experiences as we got to know each other

In this class it was very interesting to see Cindy Foster, department head of Wake Tech’s Simulation and Video Game Development curriculum. Her experiences from the state and areas where she grew up made for some excellent insights. In her case study, her group had a staff member making harassing comments repeatedly. Her team made the breakthrough realization that the staff member might not be under their management control, which opened up a loooong and frankly quite fruitful discussion on how to deal with people under your management, those outside of your management, the difference in legal matters, performance improvement plans, and written/verbal warnings.

I thought this would be a general rehash of an earlier class, and was very pleased to find it stepping above and beyond my expectations.

LEA 114 – Leadership Training: Emotional Intelligence

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Attribute of a Great Leader: Emotional Intelligence
Attribute of a Great Leader: Emotional Intelligence

Attribute of a Great Leader: Emotional Intelligence

Studies have shown that people with high Emotional Intelligence (EI) have greater mental health, exemplary job performance, and more potent leadership skills, markers of EI and methods of developing it have become more widely coveted in the past few decades.

There are three main models of EI:

  1. Ability model
  2. Mixed model (usually subsumed under trait EI)
  3. Trait model



Ability Model

The initial definition of EI was revised to “The ability to perceive emotion, integrate emotion to facilitate thought, understand emotions and to regulate emotions to promote personal growth.” However, after pursuing further research, their definition of EI evolved into “the capacity to reason about emotions, and of emotions, to enhance thinking. It includes the abilities to accurately perceive emotions, to access and generate emotions so as to assist thought, to understand emotions and emotional knowledge, and to reflectively regulate emotions so as to promote emotional and intellectual growth.

The ability-based model views emotions as useful sources of information that help one to make sense of and navigate the social environment.The model proposes that individuals vary in their ability to process information of an emotional nature and in their ability to relate emotional processing to a wider cognition. This ability is seen to manifest itself in certain adaptive behaviors. The model claims that EI includes four types of abilities:

  1. Perceiving emotions – the ability to detect and decipher emotions in faces, pictures, voices, and cultural artifacts—including the ability to identify one’s own emotions. Perceiving emotions represents a basic aspect of emotional intelligence, as it makes all other processing of emotional information possible.
  2. Using emotions – the ability to harness emotions to facilitate various cognitive activities, such as thinking and problem solving. The emotionally intelligent person can capitalize fully upon his or her changing moods in order to best fit the task at hand.
  3. Understanding emotions – the ability to comprehend emotion language and to appreciate complicated relationships among emotions. For example, understanding emotions encompasses the ability to be sensitive to slight variations between emotions, and the ability to recognize and describe how emotions evolve over time.
  4. Managing emotions – the ability to regulate emotions in both ourselves and in others. Therefore, the emotionally intelligent person can harness emotions, even negative ones, and manage them to achieve intended goals.

The ability EI model has been criticized in the research for lacking face and predictive validity in the workplace.


Mixed Model

Mixed model outlines five main EI constructs:

  1. Self-awareness – the ability to know one’s emotions, strengths, weaknesses, drives, values and goals and recognize their impact on others while using gut feelings to guide decisions.
  2. Self-regulation – involves controlling or redirecting one’s disruptive emotions and impulses and adapting to changing circumstances.
  3. Social skill – managing relationships to move people in the desired direction
  4. Empathy – considering other people’s feelings especially when making decisions
  5. Motivation – being driven to achieve for the sake of achievement.

Consider reading “What Makes A Leader” by Daniel Goleman.


Trait Model

An alternative label for the same construct is trait emotional self-efficacy. The trait EI model is general and subsumes the Goleman model discussed above. The conceptualization of EI as a personality trait leads to a construct that lies outside the taxonomy of human cognitive ability. This is an important distinction in as much as it bears directly on the operationalization of the construct and the theories and hypotheses that are formulated about it.


LEA 123: Leadership Training – Individualized Problem Solving

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Tyler Dockery specializes in Individualized Problem Solving Strategies
Tyler Dockery specializes in Individualized Problem Solving Strategies

LEA 123: Leadership Training – Individualized Problem Solving Strategies

This leadership session built on the principles presented in both LEA 111 and LEA 112 by exploring how to formulate successful problem solving strategies through the understanding and appreciation of the extrovert/introvert dichotomy.

Our original Presenter: was supposed to be Amanda Sinodis (it was her birthday this week), however, Noah Spencer ended up being one of the presenters for this event (there were two).

This was a great time for me to acknowledge the help Noah Spencer had given me in the hiring process. I took the opportunity to give him the thanks that I felt appropriate, although it probably held little if any meaning in his eyes. Truth be told, that thanks was really all about me. I wanted to tell him that I was thankful, and to be pleased with the deal that I have been given. I think it was taken well, and we shook hands.

This class was really great. It was all about the differences in introverts and extroverts. The class was roughly 20 people, and only 2 were extroverts. It was interesting to hear everyone laying out their Jung Typology sets (I;m an INTJ). ALthough it was fairly lopsided type-wise in the class, I got some really good information.

Many of the problems of an interpersonal nature come from differences and perceived differences in thoughts and actions. This is especially true of introverts and extroverts. The fundamental issues between the two drop down mainly to internalizing vs. externalizing. SOme people think  more before acting, others go with a gut reaction. Many differences can cause feelings of unrest or displeasing behaviors to arise.

examples include:

  • An introvert may wait before taking action, causing others to think they are hesitant or do not agree
  • An extrovert may act on instinct, causing others to feel they are jumping to conclusions which might be untrue
  • An introvert may avoid groups, causing others to feel they are shunning company or feel groups are beneath them
  • Extroverts may blow up when angry or upset
  • Introverts may excuse themselves even when nothing is wrong
  • Extroverts may act on a suggestion without planning how to integrate it into their regime
  • Introverts may carefully plan several actions before beginning a single one, stalling the outcome

During this exercise, we were asked to identify introverts/extroverts based on images alone (couldn’t really do it), and to make up stories based on what they were like based on the headshot photos. We then discussed more ways to discuss passing ideas to introverts and extroverts in order to have the best integration with our teams.

At the end, we had a really fun activity called the introvert/extrovert cocktail. We divided up into groups and were designated either introverts or extroverts and had to attend the short party session by exhibiting the most extreme behavior we could. Everybody had a great time seeing all the extremes crashing into one another or trying to quietly escape. It was a great session.


NCCCFA 2013 Keynote: Unlocking Your Leadership Potential with Pat Akers

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NCCCFA 2013 Keynote Presentation: Unlocking Your Leadership Potential

Pat Akers has been training leadership in the business and the community college communities for over 30 years.

This presentation began by discussion different leadership styles and the effectiveness of those styles. Various leadership styles can be effective in different situations. A leader needs to evaluate a particular situation and choose the style that best fits that situation.

Style Characteristics When Effective When Ineffective
  1. Tells others what to do
  2. Limits discussion on ideas and creativity.
  3. Keeps group from experiencing teamwork
  • Time is limited
  • Individuals lack skill or knowledge
  • Group does not know each other
  • Control is important
  • Goal is to develop sense of team
  • Members have some degree of skill or knowledge
  • Group desires spontaneity in work
  • Goal is to develop sense of team
  • Members have some degree of skill or knowledge
  • Group desires spontaneity in work
  1. Involves group in planning and carrying out activities
  2. Asks before tells
  3. Promotes teamwork
  4. Leader makes final decision with input.
  • Time is available
  • Group is motivated
  • Sense of team exists
  • Some degree of skill or knowledge exists
  • Group is unmotivated
  • No skill or knowledge
  • High degree of conflict present
  • Group is unmotivated
  • No skill or knowledge
  • High degree of conflict present
  1. Assigns tasks
  2. Offer little or no opinion
  3. Trust employees
  4. Leader does not seem to be in charge
  • Team possesses high degree of skill and motivation
  • Sense of team exists
  • Routine is familiar
  • Low sense of team or interdependence
  • Low degree of skill or knowledge
  • Group expects to be told what to do
  • Low sense of team or interdependence
  • Low degree of skill or knowledge
  • Group expects to be told what to do
Examples and Factors Affecting the Choice of Style
Factors that effect the choice of a style TimeKnowledge and skills of you and your staff



Type of task

Using all three Student Services VP tells his/her staff that the process for handing out Pell Checks is not working efficiently and a new one must be established (Authoritative). The VP give them the new process to implement. OR Ask for their ideas and input on creating a new process(Participative). OR Delegate tasks in order to implement the new procedure (Delegative).


In setting aside these materials, Pat Akers stressed the importance of becoming a transformative leader, someone who crosses the issues and builds the team into something more than the sum of the parts. Together, we discussed 10 characteristics of a transformative leader, and the steps that might be required to achieve these characteristics.


Characteristics Of A Transformative Leader

1. Let go of things others can do.

  1. Let go of tasks and responsibilities that will help others develop.
  2. Let go of authority to make decisions about the work.
  3. Know what others in the group can do and want to do.
  4. Build people’s skills to take over by involving them in the work.

Area of strength for me          Area in which I would like to improve


2. Encourage initiative, ideas, and risk taking.

  1. Actively seek ideas and suggestions from the work group.
  2. Allow people to run with an idea, even if it might involve some risk.
  3. Reward and recognize ideas and initiative through compliments, formal recognition, and, whenever possible, tangible rewards.
  4. Are careful not to put down or discount ideas.

Area of strength for me          Area in which I would like to improve.


3. Ensure that people have goals and know how they’re doing.

  1. Encourage the work group to take a lead role in setting goals and assessing their own performance.
  2. Ensure that goals are clear and understandable.
  3. Let people know how they’re doing in meeting goals and provide the guidance and support they need to meet them.

Area of strength for me          Area in which I would like to improve.

4. Delegate to challenge, develop, and empower.

  1. Delegate to challenge and develop people.
  2. Delegate authority to make decisions about the work.
  3. Provide a clear understanding of the responsibility, amount of authority, expectations, and constraints.
  4. Support the delegation within and outside the work group.
  5. Set up controls that keep themselves apprised of progress but aren’t seen as restrictive.

Area of strength for me          Area in which I would like to improve.

5. Coach to ensure success.

  1. Coach before the person begins the task or assumes the responsibility and along the way as needed.
  2. Make coaching a regular part of their jobs.
  3. Are good coaches-their coaching sessions guide and instruct, while maintaining or enhancing the self-esteem of the person being coached.

Area of strength for me          Area in which I would like to improve

6. Reinforce good work and good attempts.

  1. Use verbal praise frequently.
  2. Know the kind of reinforcement that works best for each person.
  3. Provide tangible reinforcement whenever possible (for example, recognition letters, awards, or gifts).
  4. Remember to reinforce what someone does well even when his or her work has a few flaws.

Area of strength for me          Area in which I would like to improve

7. Share information, knowledge, and skills.

  1. Meet with the group regularly to share and update information.
  2. Make sure people have the information they need to succeed in a task or responsibility or know where and how to get it.
  3. Share their insights, knowledge, expertise, and skills.

Area of strength for me          Area in which I would like to improve

8. Value, trust, and respect each individual.

  1. Show, that they trust and respect people by encouraging them to take control of their jobs with the authority to take action.
  2. Take every opportunity to compliment people for good work, creative ideas, and contributions to the group.
  3. Listen to people and empathize with their problems and concerns.
  4. Are careful never to put people down or minimize their contributions.

Area of strength for me          Area in which I would like to improve.

9. Provide support without taking over.

  1. Understand that support is essential and know when it’s needed.
  2. Know techniques for supporting others, such as coaching, reinforcing, preparing for resistance, and gaining others’ commitment.
  3. Resist the temptation to take over when things go wrong.

Area of strength for me          Area in which I would like to improve.

 10. Practice what you preach. 

  1. Let go, but also support people through the rough spots of a new assignment instead of punishing them for mistakes or taking over.
  2. Ask for ideas, but also empower people to implement their ideas– especially those that involve some risk.
  3. Tell people they’re important and show them through actions.

Area of strength for me          Area in which I would like to improve.


Just like there are several characteristics of a transformative leaders, there are several types of team players. Finding out which one you might be and how you can best affect the team in a positive manner


Team Player Styles

Style Seen as… Behaviors
CONTRIBUTOR Information Focus



  1. Enjoys providing the team with good technical information and data
  2. Does his or her homework
  3. Pushes the team to set high performance standards and to use their resources wisely
  4. Is dependable, responsible and organized
  5. Has a clear set of priorities
COLLABORATOR Big Picture PersonGoal


  1. Focuses on the vision, mission or goal of the team
  2. Is flexible and open to new ideas
  3. Is willing to pitch in and work outside his or her defined role
  4. Is able to share the limelight with other team members
  5. Is visionary and cooperative
COMMUNICATOR Positive People PersonProcess Oriented
  1. Is an effective listener and facilitator of involvement, conflict resolution, consensus building and feedback
  2. Builds an informal, relaxed climate
  3. Communicates with enthusiasm
  4. Helps team members get to know each other
  5. Receives feedback without becoming defensive
CHALLENGER Candid and OpenQuestioner


  1. Questions the goals, methods and even the ethics of the team
  2. Is willing to disagree openly with the leader or higher authority
  3. Encourages the team to take well-conceived risks.
  4. Raises questions about the teams’ goals
  5. Outspoken, ethical and principled

Pat Akers spent the remaining portion of our professional development discussing how leaders “connect” with their team members.


Connecting is the ability to identify with people and relate to them in a way that increases your influence with them.”


Leaders today face the challenge of influencing people from all sides of an organization. Yet, many managers with leadership responsibilities feel that because they are not the main leader, they cannot influence their bosses, peers and subordinates. From this comes the understanding of 360 degree leadership. Becoming a 360 Degree Leader is not easy. By becoming a better leader… one who can influence others… you add tremendous value to your organization.


“The true measure of leaders is not the number of people who serve them but the number of people they serve.”
John Maxwell


Pat ended by requesting that we identify the people in “our” college environment whom we will influence in working to become a 360 Degree leader. Identify ways that you connect with these people in your environment, and make our changes to improve things.

NCCCS Conference 2012: Developing Tomorrow’s Community College Leaders: Career Development Approaches that Enable SuccessNC

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Monday, Oct 8: 3:15-4:15

Developing Tomorrow’s Community College Leaders: Career Development Approaches that Enable SuccessNC

This session’s presenters: Molly Duggan, K. Paul Knott, and Ginger Bishop took us through three great leadership plans in this fantastic meeting.
In support of sharing best practices- a central goal of SuccessNC -this session focused on several successful approaches to developing faculty and staff tools, skills, and the perspectives that community colleges need in order to facilitate student success.
Three highly effective professional development approaches were explored in this session:
  1. Community college-based grow-your-own programs
    Offering “grow-your-own” programs that provide financial aid to students who agree to return to their school as teachers after graduation from college, and leadership programs which train teachers for department head or roles as deans, etc.
  2. Succession planning, including coaching and mentoring strategies
    This professional development program places a high value on coaching and mentoring to give faculty and staff members the training and skills they need to succeed and excel in the workplace. Emphasis was given on finding the proper mentor for the mentor/mentee relationship, and on the ability of co-mentoring within your programs.
  3. Graduate training programs.
    Ways to reopen relationships with successful collegiate candidates to expand learning options and increase hiring potentials within our programs.

I found this session, especially the co-mentoring process to be quite helpful. I think the two Wake Tech members I met earlier, Marsha Mills and Woody Hayes sound like excellent candidates for a co-mentoring situation.


Leadership: Management Styles

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Leadership managment stylesToday’s leadership professional development session: Management Styles, was presented by Sam Strickland

In order to be more effective, organizations will have to move to more organic and participative management styles.As the workforce- especially the workforce in top institutions such as Wake Tech Community College- gets more educated, we see a stronger relationship forming between education, management styles, and institutional effectiveness. In today’s professional development session, Sam Strickland made a clear connection between a more participative management style and education and skills.

Unfortunately, numbers that showed a more educated workforce did not necessarily show an increase in organizational ability. If you want to have an effective management style in a heavily-educated workforce, you must adjust your organizational design and management style.

Three ways in which organizational design and management style can affect:

  1. organizational effectiveness
  2. individual performance motivation
  3. existence of organizational communication, coordination, and control mechanisms

These allow the performance of individuals to come together in ways that produce an effective organization; as well as individual performance capability.


Organizational effectiveness

Historically, there is a strong connections between the level of organization within an institution and its effectiveness. There are many different management styles, but no “magic bullet” style that is always effective. The key to organizational effectiveness is finding the particular approach to management that fits the type of demands a particular technology places on the organization. This should be taken to heart within each department and division.

Individual performance motivation

Motivation is frequently given in terms of individual rewards, however, this does not always translate to organizational success. In order for the organization- say Wake Tech, for instance- to succeed, smart management will make a clear, visible connection between the success of the individual and the success of the organization. Self-managing teams are another great way to help individuals feel responsible for organizational performance.

In an organization our size, the best management styles will contribute a sense of organizational performance, because they create an environment in which the individual feels they can influence the direction an organization takes, the decisions it makes, and future strategies or tactics the organization employs.

Existence of organizational communication, coordination, and control mechanisms

For an organization to effectively come together, there must exist a means of organizational communication, coordination and mechanisms of control that allows the performance of individuals to come together in ways that produce a quality organization. Teams need information on their performance for self-management and interfacing with other teams.

High Involvement Systems

High involvement systems by their very nature require greater individual performance capability on the part of the employees than other systems. These systems call for individuals to influence decisions, exercise a broader range of skills on the job, and interact with people in groups and settings outside of the norms of most business settings.