
Adobe Education Exchange: Author Badge

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Tyler Dockery; Celebrated Author as recognized by AdobeAdobe Education Exchange: Author Badge

“As a contributing member of the Adobe Education Exchange, Tyler Dockery has received visible recognition for his level of commitment and participation. Adobe is proud to feature a leaderboard function and badge recognition to members who’s mission is to serve the community of educators by maintaining a high level of activity.”

I am an ongoing contributor to Adobe’s Education Exchange. In an effort to show milestones and fulfillment as part of this community, Adobe provides rewards and achievements in the form of badges. This badge was awarded for creating a minimum of 5 online teaching resources, and giving a firm ongoing commitment to take part in the education of others with Adobe Products and a commitment within the Adobe Social Community. It represents your willingness to contribute and collaborate as a member of the Adobe Education Exchange. I do not plan to stop anytime soon 🙂